Building Your RC AirPlane: The Importance of Servos and Electronic Speed Controllers

Building Your RC AirPlane: The Importance of Servos and Electronic Speed Controllers

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Constructing an RC plane is both challenging and satisfying since it merges the love for flying with engineering skills. Whether you're a professional, hobbyist, or an amateur in the scene of remote control planes, understanding key components necessary for the plane to function is essential. Among these, servos and electronic speed controllers (ESCs) are particularly vital in allowing the plane to fly smoothly and actively. In this piece, we will discuss the importance of servos and ESCs in the control and functionality of the RC airplane.

Key Parts of an RC Airplane

Now that we have explored the RC plane and the servos and ESCs, let’s now get into the main components of an RC airplane. Below are some of the parts a typical remote control airplane contains:


This is the motor and tail section of the airplane along with the wings and body.


Used to power the plane so it thrusts and flies.


These minuscule motors move the ailerons, elevators, and rudders.

Electronic Speed Controller (ESC): 

This device controls the motors on the RC airplane by providing or limiting power.

Receiver and Transmitter: 

Stand as an intermediary between the control system of the RC plane and the pilot, making sure that the plane follows all commands that are issued from the controls. 

Now we have the big picture, let's move into two of the most important pieces of the puzzle: servos and electronic speed controllers. 

Role of Servo in RC Plane Control

Servo motors or just ''servos'', for short, are one of the most essential elements of the control system of your RC plane. A servo is a small motor with immense turning force and it commands the movements of the plane's control surfaces - these include the ailerons, elevator, and the rudder. These parts allow you to control your RC airplane while it's turning, climbing, or descending.

How Servos Work: 

Servos use a feedback loop to achieve precise control. They rely on input from a transmitter that is on the pilot's joystick. Based on the signal received, the servo alters the angle of the control surfaces and this makes the plane respond the way it is supposed to. For example, if you shove the joystick to the right, the rudder will move right which will make the airplane roll to that side.

Different Types of Servos: 

Different types of servos exist depending on the size and the power of the servo. These are the common ones found in RC planes.

Standard Servos: 

These servos are fitted in small airplanes that need moderate control.

High-Torque Servos: 

These servos are often used in larger or more demanding planes because these servos provide more strength.

Digital Servos: 

Digital servos are known to be ideal for high performance planes due to their precision and quicker response time.

Electronic Speed Controllers: 

The Heart of Motor Control Speed controllers are a different key component that determines how your RC plane behaves in the air. The ESC controls the motor’s speed by adjusting the electric power sent to the motor based on input from the transmitter. It works as the liaison between the motor and the rest of the electrical system.

How ESCs Work:

 When you throttle up or down on the transmitter, your ESC changes the level of current supplied to the motor by using a transistor. You manage how fast or how slow the servo turns. With this regulation, you can be sure to avoid your plane having too much raw power while climbing, cruising, or descending.

ESC Features:

Brake Functions: 

A lot of the modern ESC's today come with a brake function that allows the motor to be stopped quickly. This helps bring about more control during landing or in times of rapid evasion.

BEC (Battery Elimination Circuit): 

Some ESCs have a BEC integrated, allowing the servos and the receiver to draw power directly from the ESC’s battery, thus not requiring a separate battery.

Overcurrent Protection: 

More expensive ESCs usually have features that help to protect the motor or battery from too much current.

Types of ESCs: 

Just like servos, ESCs also come in multiple dimensions and parameters. The following categories are the most widely used ones:

Brushed ESCs: 

Installed in smaller RC planes powered by brushed motors.

Brushless ESCs:

Used for larger RC airplanes powered by brushless motors since it is more efficient and powerful.

Suggested Read: RAGE RGRA1500 Super Cub 750BL RTF Electric Airplane (750mm)

The Synergy Between Servos and ESCs

In order for an RC plane to fly well and be responsive, servos and ESCs have to work together. While the servos elevate the aircraft’s axis by rotating the control surfaces, the ESC makes sure that the motor is capable of providing sufficient energy – this ensures stability during the flight, as well as different maneuvers. They work in unison so that you have complete ability to control your RC plane whether it be during straight and level flight or during intricate aerobatic maneuvers.

What is the Importance of Servos and ESCs for RC Plane Piloting? 

Precise Movement: 

The servo is greatly responsible for controlling the movements of the RC airplane like smooth working turns, altitude increase, and graceful descents. Also, the ESC enables the motor to respond to each throttle increase, allowing the pilot to smoothly steer the plane. 


The combination of servos and ESCs works together to keep the RC airplane in a stable position while flying. With their careful management of controllable elements and efficient motor, they secure a safe flight and attempt to avoid loss of control or crashes. 

Energy Saving: 

Your RC airplane has the tendency to function better due to high quality battery products enabling the ESC and servos to work optimally giving value to the battery. These changes get the airplane to respond better, use energy efficiently and have longer flying times as well as requiring less frequent charges. 

Final Remarks:

In the construction of an RC plane model, the choice of servos and ESCs is essential in achieving maximum efficiency and control of the model. The servos move the control surfaces and ESC controls the power to the motor, making sure that your plane acts as you command it. Without these parts, RC planes would not exist at all, and flying an RC plane would not enhance, enjoy, or be successful at all.

Once you are well versed with the essential RC components of the airplane, you will be confident while building and flying the airplane and become an ace in the sky.

Suggested Read: RAGE RC RGRA1305 Curtiss P-40 Warhawk Micro RTF Airplane w/PASS


1. Why is the servo important in an RC plane? 

A servo in an RC plane controls the aeroplane move including ailerons, rudder, and even elevator giving you the power over the pitch, roll, and yaw of the plane.

2. How does an electronic speed controller (ESC) work? 

By adjusting the energy supplied from the battery, ESC controls the pace of a motor. The transmitter's input determines the pace of the motor, which is altered accordingly.

3. Can I use any ESC with any motor? 

No, ESC should match the motor type. Brushed ESCs are compatible with brushed motors. For brushless motors, brushless ESCs are necessary.

4. How do I choose the right servo for my RC plane? 

When choosing a servo, as a rule, think about the dimensions and weight of your airplane, the kind of control surfaces, and the amount of torque you need. More powerful and larger servo motors are needed for larger aircraft and more complex control surfaces.

5. Why is a BEC important in an ESC? 

A BEC is very convenient as it allows for powering peripherals like the receiver and servos without requiring an extra battery. This also allows for your RC plane's electrical setup to be much easier.

6. How can I improve the performance of my RC plane? 

Matching the correct size for your RC plane with the proper ESC and servos will definitely increase performance. Moreover, proper calibration, maintenance, and adjustments will also ensure your plane is functioning to its full potential.


6 minute read

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